Tuesday Tip: When Free Isn’t Free

FREE!No one loves a free stuff more than me! But remember, all those freebies that seem like a great deal have the potential to become nothing more than clutter. Clutter which can cost you in the long run; loss of storage space, more time spent cleaning, sorting, and looking for things, loss of peace of mind, and many more!

Whether it’s a freebie offer from an office supply company or the hand-me-down glass vases from Aunt Sophie, don’t keep it unless you can answer Yes to at least one of these questions:

** Do I need it?
** Do I love it?
** Will I use it in the near future?
** Do I have room for it?
** Can someone else benefit from it?

If you answer Yes to the last question, pass it along and bless someone else with it!

3 thoughts on “Tuesday Tip: When Free Isn’t Free

  1. Camden

    How true! I always jump at bargainss and freebie, but lately I’ve been so stressed with having too much clutter in the house. So now I try to ask myself “Where will I put this?” before I buy anything!

  2. kirvin

    Thanks for the tips. I just love learning about new things and saving money. Nice blog by the way 🙂