Hacking the Holidays: Put the Name on the Gift Tag, Not the Gift
November 13, 2007
The holiday catalogs are rolling in, along with the offers for personalization – sometimes at no extra charge. Wouldn’t your child love to have his or her name on that sleeping bag, bathrobe, or backpack?
Here’s a suggestion: don’t do it! Soon enough your child will outgrow the item, and the personalization means that siblings, cousins, neighbors, and the folks at your local thrift store won’t be interested in your hand-me-downs – unless they just happen to have the same name. Of course, this isn’t an absolute rule – but for those who like to keep things out of landfill, it’s certainly something to consider.[LG]Did you know we carry some great toys?[/LG]
I always think the same thing. The only personalized gifts I like are the quilts that my grandmother makes, she puts a tag with their name & who the quilt was from.
Exactly, Rebecca – what your grandmother does is the kind of personalization that makes sense!
There is also a safety concern to consider. Do you really want to announce your child’s name to every stranger that sees their backpack or lunch box?
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VERY good point, Louise! Makes me shudder just thinking about that.
I never thought about it that way. Then again, I usually personalize things like ID bracelets and other jewelry. I remember back in school, when I was young, they showed a video on how a stranger would try to kidnap someone by acting like they knew them. They would call their name, which was embroidered on a backpack or something, and say that their mom asked them to pick him/her up. Another reason why we shouldn’t personalize items.
Shouldn’t your kids know not to go with strangers?

It is a horrible thought (and very real for you guys) I am so thankful to live in the bush in Australia, where we don’t have that problem.
I have twins so this could get really expensive! Luckily they are boy/girl so we should be able to tell their stuff apart!