Getting Organized Is More Than Adding or Subtracting

U-haul storageThe other day, as I was driving across town I saw this sign. I just had to stop and take a picture of it because it reminded me of the misguided notion that a lot of people hold about organizing, apparently U-Haul included.
Newsflash: Storing stuff is NOT organizing. Containerizing is NOT organizing. And for Pete’s sake, just getting rid of stuff isn’t organizing either. These things all play into the organizing process, but standing alone they all just, well… stand alone.
Storing, containerizing and throwing out aren’t organizing because you can store clutter, you can certainly containerize clutter (my clients do it all the time) and you can for sure get rid of stuff and still not be organized.
Remember… getting organized is about a lot more than just adding containers. It involves a lot of mental and emotional work. In addition, there’s the physical work of sorting, honing your decision-making skills to accurately assess what has present or future value, and getting rid of what is no longer serving your life.
After that, you need to create simple storage systems and lifestyle routines so you can maintain a simpler life and create a whole new result for your future.
Oh, and as for the phone number on the sign? Yeah, I’m not really sure what 1-800-UHIST R means either.

0 thoughts on “Getting Organized Is More Than Adding or Subtracting

  1. Shawn

    No Kidding! The test I encourage my clients to put their stuff through is, “Does it support the person you want to be?” If not, it’s outta here!
    And I do not mean to the storage space! If the item is still in great shape, some lucky person will Love to get it and make it a part of their life.

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  3. Debbie

    So many people think storing is organizing. Many clients want to pick out their containers before we’ve even started go through their things. Thanks for the insight!