Category: Shoes
Hanging Shoe Storage Rack for All Those Shoes
January 3, 2014
It seems like this year my wife got a ton of new shoes for Christmas. This is great because she is a working professional and always needs to have a lot of formal and casual shoes to wear to her various events. Unfortunately there is not a ton of room in our home to store […]
Organizational Holiday Gift: At Times You Just Have To
November 21, 2013
It might not be the most glamorous present out there, but an organizational holiday gift can go a long way for those of us who have friends in need. You know the type – never has people over because their house is so messy, always late because they cannot find the clothing or accessory they […]
Hanging Shoe Storage – A Space Efficient Solution
November 15, 2013
One type of shoe storage product we have not discussed recently on this blog is hanging shoe storage. It is certainly not the most glamorous of shoe storage, so that probably explains why it has been a few weeks since the topic has been brought up. However, it should be noted that hanging shoe storage […]