Category: Office Organizing

Home Office for Working Remotely

More and more, Americans are finding ways to make working from home a feasible solution. There are various reasons why working remotely can be beneficial to both the employee as well as the employer, including a need for less office space, less time wasted during the day with a commute, money saved on gas because […]

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Back-to-School: Organizing Your Dorm Room Desk

Once again, the summer has flown by and we are surrounded by back to school ads and supplies.  If you or your child is heading off to college, you might be wondering what the best way is to organize the dorm desk.  Here are some possible solutions to help you maximize your space and still […]

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Creating an Inviting Waiting Room for Your Business

Creating an inviting waiting room at the office requires a few basics so visitors feel welcome. Don’t let guests get bored while sitting in uncomfortable chairs. Create a space that makes a good first impression by considering providing anything from reading material to water for guests to enjoy while they wait. By choosing the right […]

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