Category: Clutter Hacks
Warranty Clean Out Time!
November 5, 2007
Every year before the holidays I like to take a few minutes and whip through the file that holds my household instruction manuals and warranties. I recommend this habit for you too, because inevitably, during the year, you acquire new stuff and you get rid of old stuff. Especially now that small electronics are such […]
How Setting Limits Creates Abundance
November 2, 2007
Abundance. 1. an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply. 2. overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart. 3. affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance. Most of us already have abundance in one or more areas of our lives. If you have abundance in all the areas you want, good for you! If you don’t, try […]
Simplify Recycling: Recycling Numbers De-Coded
November 1, 2007
For me, living a simple life includes caring for the earth. We can make a difference – one household at a time. One way is to recycle and teach our children to recycle. “Through careful recycling, you can reduce the amount of garbage you send to the landfill by 50-75% or more.” (Eco-team). Our family’s […]