Category: Clutter Hacks

Have a beautiful and peaceful Thanksgiving! I’ll be back Friday. 🙂

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Penny-wise or Just Plain Packrat

When you’ve spent most of your life moving every couple of years, you tend to associate purging with moving. We’ve lived in the same house for almost nine years, now, and the old habits aren’t working anymore. I’m finding myself having to reprogram the way I function when it comes to clutter. No more tucking […]

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6 Ways to Help You Be On Time

One thing I’m a stickler about is being on time. Early even. I went to the salon exactly at 12:00 to get my hair done. I had to be home by 2:30 so that Trevor could go to work. My hair stylist was running late. I ended leaving the salon at 2:45, meaning my daughter ended up with my sister. She threw […]

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