Category: Clutter Hacks
Resolve to Spend 5 Minutes a Day
December 30, 2008
How many times have you looked around and thought, “I wish I had the time to organize my (you fill in the blank here)…”? I do it often. Especially this time of year. It’s the time of year when a lot of us take stock of ourselves and our surroundings. I want to start my […]
Merry Christmas Have a beautiful day!!
I need more time! Help for the overwhelmed
December 24, 2008
Do your to-do lists feel like they’re smothering you? Do you feel like your head is full of noise and it’s so distracting? Do you have bright ideas on your computer, on bits of paper, Post-It notes and in your Outlook tasks? Are you spending too much time looking for things and not enough time […]