Category: Clutter Hacks
Tell Us Your Favorite Organizing Tip – Contest Closed
December 4, 2009
–Contest Closed– Do you have an organizing tip or mantra that gets you through those tough projects? Can you say it in 6 words or less? Give it a shot and you could win! Here are the prizes: Grand Prize: The Geneva Desk and Hutch by Sauder Woodworking Company This awesome little desk is made […]
Get A Head Start On Reclaiming Your Home After The Holidays
December 3, 2009
You’re probably getting out your next group of holiday decorations right about now, but before you know it, it will be time to put them back in storage for another year. No, I’m not being a Scrooge here, I’m just thinking ahead because that’s what organizers do (!) and because it’s important – more now […]
Celebrate Your Pet at Pawfun!
December 2, 2009
I have to share with all you pet lovers the cutest site devoted to loving and celebrating your favorite pets! Our friends over at have created a fun site for just this purpose! You can order personalized bags, cards and more with your pet’s picture on them, or send a free e-card.