Category: Clutter Hacks

Why You Should Use Eco-Friendly, Bamboo Organizing Products.

Incredibly, almost one million acres of forest vanish off the face of the earth every week. Typical sixty-foot hardwood trees cut for marketplace use take 30-50 years to regenerate while a sixty-foot bamboo plant takes a mere 59 DAYS to replace. Bamboo may be the most eco-friendly, sustainable natural resource the world has. Its root […]

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Help for Haiti – Thanks for the Help!

I would like to extend a giant “THANK YOU” to all of our Stacks and Stacks customers and our Clutter Control Freak readers who made purchases over $100 during our Haiti earthquake drive. We were able to donate over $5000 to the American Red Cross for Haiti! Thank you all for your generous response!

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5 Tips On Organizing For Tax Season

That’s right, it’s almost tax time again. That time of year when all the folks who use the EZ forms and have a few little tax deductions running around rejoice over the inevitable refund they will recieve. But for a lot of us, it’s more complicated than that. Here is a post I came across […]

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