Category: Clutter Hacks

Spring has Sprung – Do You Have a New Wine Rack Yet?

As we all know, Spring is a traditional time to buy a new wine rack. Ever since ancient times, after the vernal equinox people gather together to give their old wine racks as an offering to Eostre, the goddess of spring. Then, they go buy a new one. Well, maybe in ancient times, they would […]

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My #1 Productivity Tip (And It Takes Less Than 2 Minutes!)

As a professional organizer, I always get asked: How can I be more productive? How can I get more stuff done everyday? These are both great questions, and the answer lies not in what you do but how you think. Let me give you an example. One of my #1 suggestions for being more productive […]

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Garage Organization Tip: Make Tools a Home

If you’re anything like me (or most households, for that matter), you’re the organized half of the total household equation. This can be frustrating. Especially with older kids who don’t have to ask you for things like tape or a screwdriver anymore. They know where is all is. Sometimes better than me, these days. My […]

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