Category: Clutter Hacks
Effective To Do Lists
May 20, 2010
Please welcome my friends Sarah Welch & Alicia Rockmore from Buttoned Up – enjoy their post! No matter the format, what you write down gets done. According to Dave Kohl, a professor emeritus at Virginia Tech., people who regularly write down their goals earn nine times as much over their lifetimes as people who don’t. […]
Time Management: Planning is Your Roadmap
May 19, 2010
Planning is something that adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have a lot of difficulty with. So many things in life require planning. Getting organized requires a plan. Doing a project (like a report at work or a paper at school) requires a plan. And time management, especially, requires a plan. Now before we go […]
Clutter From Another Mother
May 18, 2010
Here’s a post from my friend Karen over at – enjoy! Oh yes, you know what I’m talking about. All that stuff that has been “passed down” by family. This is a Rik Rak Sister’s worst nightmare! Not only does it add to your pile of stuff, for which you need to find storage, […]