Category: Clutter Hacks
The Google Desktop Clutter Control Freak Widget is Here!
September 18, 2007
What’s a widget, you may ask? A widget is the collective name for buttons, sliders, menu bars, title bars, and all the other paraphernalia that can be installed on your desktop within a frame. You are already using widgets if you have weather reports or headlines on your browser or newspaper homepage. And now you […]
Two Crucial Ways to Fight Clutter, and Why You Should
September 17, 2007
I used to feel harassed by reminders of chores I needed to do: The book or the stapler I couldn’t find, or the pile of papers that was in my way. But worst of all, by tasks I’d been procrastinating. While worrying about clutter might seem like a fairly frivolous preoccupation, I’ve found that clearing […]
Fantastic Ways to Organize Your Sewing Stuff
September 14, 2007
If you sew, you know that pins, fabrics, trims and threads quickly overwhelm any size sewing room. Lisa Carroccio’s Sewing Room Organization Challenge is filled with an obsessive number of clever ways to conquer clutter. I wouldn’t have thought to use a wine rack for stabilizers, or a CD rack to hold spools of ribbon, […]