Category: Clutter Hacks

Product of the Week: Double-Duty Battery Case for Disaster Preparedness

Most disasters allow very little time to sort through batteries, let alone test them. If you’re like me, you probably have a bunch of batteries rolling around in a drawer. But with disaster preparedness on my mind, I realized that if the batteries are not easy to access, or not working, they certainly won’t be […]

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Reader Hack: Taming Closet Clutter

Here’s a suggestion for keeping your closet and clothes under control: When I buy a new item of clothing, I get rid of three items of clothing. This way my closet is not bursting at the seams. Generally, most people have clothes that they just don’t wear or haven’t even looked at for the past […]

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Clutter Hack: Labeling Feed Bins

For all you Sharpie fans out there: I have a lot of animals, which makes going on trips difficult. I took a Sharpie pen and labeled all of the different grain bins with feeding instructions for the horses and goats. I never have to write up instructions on a note for the pet sitter again! […]

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