Category: Living Simply
How to Avoid Fast Food and the Dreaded Lunch Lady
August 6, 2007
Packing lunch to school or work everyday…not fun. We do it because it’s healthier for our bodies and our wallets. But how to find the time in the morning, every morning, to pack it? I make five lunches on Sunday that will stay fresh all week and I can just grab ‘em in the morning […]
Getting Organized Is More Than Adding or Subtracting
August 2, 2007
The other day, as I was driving across town I saw this sign. I just had to stop and take a picture of it because it reminded me of the misguided notion that a lot of people hold about organizing, apparently U-Haul included. Newsflash: Storing stuff is NOT organizing. Containerizing is NOT organizing. And for […]
Confessions of a Webmaster: I Organize My Life in a Paper Planner
August 1, 2007
I know you have one. We all do. You know that pile of mail on the kitchen table – the grocery store fliers, the bills, the credit card applications, the coupons… I used the kitchen table method of organization for years. But as my kids got older and my “things to do” list grew, I […]