Category: Living Simply

When Gifts Become Clutter

If you are surrounded by stuff, especially stuff you don’t need or use (sometimes referred to as “clutter”), start with figuring out how it comes into your life. Can you put a boundary on it? We’re not just talking about putting limits on charge cards or waiting three days before making a purchase. To stop […]

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Organize Your Purse!

You see the phenomena everywhere you go: women frantically digging in their purses to find a ringing cell phone, a lipstick in hiding, or buried car keys. Chances are that if you are female, then you have been there, done that at some point! How can you eliminate future purse excavations? (1) Determine your purse type. […]

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A Realistic Drive: Tips for Being On-Time

Two of the major parts of being organized have to do with thinking or planning ahead and being realistic about time. What does being realistic mean? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, realistic is Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are: She gave us a realistic appraisal of our chances. […]

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