Category: Clutter Hacks
Got Overwhelm?
October 18, 2007
Everyone I know is overwhelmed. There’s no end in sight to all of the chores that need to be done: the chauffeuring of kids, monitoring of homework, the backlog of email, appointments, project deadlines and the seemingly ceaseless ringing of the cell phone. This week alone I’ve witnessed a range of emotion from muttering and […]
Organizing Clothes for the Seasons
October 18, 2007
The weather here is getting cold. So cold in fact that my kids are already wearing their winter coats to school. You know what that means don’t you? Time for the seasonal clothes change out! The only way to avoid over-stuffed closets and dressers is to store away the clothes I’m not wearing. The other […]
Organising Your Recipes
October 17, 2007
I love reading cooking and baking blogs and imagining eating all the delicious, mouth-watering food. Anybody else? Well, if you have good intentions as I do, those recipes and recipe books pile up very quickly and start to overwhelm you. So I thought I’d share what works for me.