Category: Clutter Hacks
Getting Ready for Winter
October 26, 2007
As autumn sets in, there are a few things we can all count on: school is in session, football is being played, and our homes need a bit of work to be cozy and ready for winter. has a good article on getting your home ready for winter. By taking the time now during […]
Four Earth-Friendly Ways to Organize Paper.
October 25, 2007
Clients often complain about their struggles with paper. Limiting paper before it enters your home makes it easier to minimize piles. Plus there’s the hidden bonus of saving a few trees. I’ve read that every ton of recycled paper saves seventeen 40 foot Douglas Fir Trees. 1) Think before you print. Before you print anything […]
Organizing Out-of-Reach Closet Shelves
October 24, 2007
I am short and what I wouldn’t give sometimes to be tall. I often find myself staring at the sweaters on the top shelf of my closet, wishing that I had “Go-Go-Gadget” legs to boost myself up! Organizing shelves, especially those mounted too high to reach properly, can be a huge headache. I recommend using the following tools […]