Category: Clutter Hacks
De-cluttering a Clothes Closet with the Help of Your Friends
November 8, 2007
Cleaning out our closet is something that everyone has trouble doing because we don’t like to get rid of our clothing. However, only about 30% of our clothes are actually ever worn, the rest just take up space. We all have our favorites that we wash and have ready on a moments notice. Why do […]
Clutter-Free Giving
November 6, 2007
Clutter-free Giving is the act of giving someone a present that will not, in turn, clutter their home, office, or life! It is a reciprocal philosophy; it applies not only to the act of giving gifts to others but also to listing presents that you would like to receive. If you are really creative, it’s not […]
End The Awkward Pause: Fun Game For Get-Togethers
November 6, 2007
This is a great time of year to get together with friends and family. But have you ever noticed that sometimes after a big dinner, everybody falls into a ‘food coma’ – and the television becomes the center of attention? Now, I am a fiend for board games, but even I understand that not everybody […]