Category: Clutter Hacks

4 Tips to Tame E-Clutter

Well, what good is organizing your office and desk while your computer is spilling over with clutter? Here are four helpful tips to move you towards electronic bliss! 1. Make time daily to delete emails. I’ve told you before that my goal is to delete 100 emails daily so I go through my inbox, sent […]

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10 Tips to an Organized Mind

By organizing your mind, you get rid of clutter that fills the brain, which causes stress and anxiety. We all have enough things in our lives that are uncontrollable that can create problems, so why not organize the things that we can control, giving us a true feeling of accomplishment and stress free living. These […]

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Let Your Life In!

Knock Knock… Who’s there? Your life… let me in! Lamenting how you’d like to have more room for your life? Perhaps you’d like to entertain spontaneously or actually enjoy a weekend without thinking about how much you need to get organized or even find everything you want with out frustration. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Catalog […]

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