Category: Clutter Hacks

Ellen’s Penicillin Method of De-Cluttering

This post came from Declutter 101: Strategies To Cut Clutter | Organized Home. This was such a great analogy, I just had to share… Often, decluttering efforts chase their tails in an endless loop. The home manager declutters the small table in the hallway and moves on. By the following week, a whole new species […]

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Clutter Control Freak Blog in Top 10 Company Blogs!

Mack over at The Viral Garden – a highly respected blog that reviews company blog sites according to a comprehensive scoring system – has been reviewing blogs for a year now and he’s placed Stacks and Stacks’ Clutter Control Freak Blog is in his top 10! Go CCFB!

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Ten Simple Rules to Help You Avoid Organized Living

I found a lovely post that suits my cantankerous mood today. Enjoy! 🙂 Do you think that all the hype about organized living is a big joke? Are you tired of the “clear the clutter” mantra? Would you like to just go on in your own disorganized way? Follow these 10 guidelines for how NOT […]

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