Category: Clutter Hacks
A launch pad saves you 5 hours a week
September 30, 2008
That’s a picture of my handbag on my launch pad. A launch pad enables you to hit the ground running every day. In the office Your launch pad is writing down your high priority items on your eat the frog form so you start off your day on the right note. You can save TONS […]
Fall Organizing Tips
September 29, 2008
Autumn officially began a week ago. For most homeowners, this signals a shift from indoor organizing to outdoor organizing. Time to think about storage for garden supplies, grills, and patio furniture. And along with the inevitable seasonal wardrobe change which will soon take place, the garage is a great place to start.
Get Back to Basics with Menu Planning
September 23, 2008
When things start going a little bit crazy, the first thing I do is go back to basics. Like when I feel overwhelmed with the business, I drag out one of my master to-do lists and start writing down everything. In the same way, when if feels like things are too busy in my life […]