Category: Clutter Hacks

The Idea of Having

J.D. over at Get Rich Slowly posted a great article called The Idea of Having. It gives some great insight on some of the reasons we have “stuff”. Why so many of us can come to grips with controlling the present and future clutter in our lives, while still struggling with past clutter. Thanks, J.D.

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Simple Ways to Improve the Resale Value of Your Home

With all of the homes on the market it is more important than ever to make sure that your home stands out to potential buyers. Before placing your home on the market consider doing some simple and inexpensive work on your home to really make your home stand out. Remember that first impressions count! The […]

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Clutter Control Through Boundary Setting

If you are an accumulator, if you snip articles out of papers, or purchase endless amounts of fabric or beads, or save vast amounts of nails or old cell phones or your children’s art work. Or if you are crafty and you collect odd things that you “might use some day” (such as 583 empty […]

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