Category: Clutter Hacks
De-cluttering Your Feed Reader
November 25, 2008
I have two gmail accounts – don’t ask, it’s a long story – and what I’ve been doing is using the one as my main Google Reader account and the other for some blogs I wanted to keep track of, but they don’t post regularly so those posts can pile up. I’ve been subscribing like […]
Lists Are Your Friends
November 20, 2008
“I can’t remember anything any more,” said one of my clients. “None of us can,” I told her. And it’s true. And that’s why lists are so helpful. Here are some of lists I personally find useful; I’m sure you’ll have others of your own. To-Do Lists Someday/Maybe List (things I might want to do […]
Paper, Paper and Still More Paper
November 18, 2008
If you’re ever going to keep up with all the paper in your life, you have to decide on a system and keep tweaking it. Read more about how to deal with mail clutter and decide if my system will work for you as is, or if you need to make slight adjustments. I’m cool […]