Category: Clutter Hacks
Contest Closed
December 17, 2008
Got a storage dilema in your kitchen? Leave us a comment telling us about your storage problem (and if you’ve found a solution, please tell us that, too!) and you’ll be entered into a drawing for this solid rubberwood Kitchen Workstation from Home Styles, featuring locking industrial casters and all the storage space you need! […]
The Mighty Morphing Power Planner
December 17, 2008
(My title dates my kids, huh? lol!) For anyone who follows this blog, you know my love of sticky notes. Well, lately my system of sticky notes at work has morphed into something interesting. I keep a my big work planner (a big black binder) open on my desk at all times. I have several […]
Space Treat: A Bag a Day Keeps the Clutter Away.
December 17, 2008
Well, we’re deep into the holiday season now. I’ve been to quite a few parties and have more to come. Every time I arrive somewhere, I’ve always got gift in hand and so does everyone else. You know what that means, more stuff… and where is it all going? So even if you’re not hosting […]