Category: Clutter Hacks

Holiday Storage Rundown

Since Thanksgiving is over, it’s officially time to bring on the next Holiday (at least in my house)! This is a great time to take stock of your holiday decorations and make sure you are equipped with the right organizers to store them properly. What’s new in the world of Holiday Storage? Read on to […]

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Seasonal Closet Switch

The cold months are upon us! From coast to coast, even in sunny California, it’s time to make the seasonal closet switch! Since we are switching from warm weather to cool weather, that means it’s really time to get organized. Why? Because, quite simply, summer clothes are smaller than winter clothes. Here are some tips […]

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Thanksgiving Checklist

It’s that time of the year again, folks! Thanksgiving is a time for gathering with family and friends to give thanks for all the wonderful blessings in our lives. If you are hosting a Thanksgiving celebration this year, this is just the kick in the bottom you need to get your fall cleaning and organizing […]

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