Category: Clutter Hacks
5 Tips On Organizing For Tax Season
January 26, 2010
That’s right, it’s almost tax time again. That time of year when all the folks who use the EZ forms and have a few little tax deductions running around rejoice over the inevitable refund they will recieve. But for a lot of us, it’s more complicated than that. Here is a post I came across […]
15 Creative Uses for Wine Corks
January 25, 2010
Living here in Wine County California, one ends up with a lot of corks. It’s hard to just throw them out when you know there must be a ton of creative uses for them out there. I did a search for creative uses for all these corks and found some great creative ideas! Enjoy! Napkin […]
Help for Haiti
January 22, 2010
From now until January 28th, Stacks and Stacks is donating $10 on every order over $100 to the American Red Cross Earthquake Relief Fund. Just one more way to lend a helping hand.