Category: Clutter Hacks

Tuesday Tip: Avoiding the Container Trap

How many of us have attempted an organizing project this way: We’re in an organizing store thinking “I’ve got to organize my (fill in the blank)”. We see some cute containers and some beautiful boxes and can’t decide. But we know one of them will work and the others, well we’ll use them somewhere, right? […]

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What’s Your Organizing Personality?

Organizing systems are not one-size-fits-all. Your organizing personality — or what I like to call your logic type — is truly the most important aspect to consider when organizing any room or project. If you try to organize something that runs against your system of reasoning, then it will never, ever stick! That’s why, in […]

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Tuesday Tip: Cat Litter and a Tube Sock?

The weather is changing and the leaves are turning amber and red. Our first fall storm blew through, and with it the realization of a minor home repair I wasn’t aware I needed; window calking. My son’s bedroom window has a small leak in the top of the frame that drips onto the windowsill. When […]

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