Category: Clutter Hacks

Turn Your To-Do List Into A Ta-Da List

Are you constantly making ‘to do’ lists, just to find them unfinished by the end of the day? Do you add more things to your list in a day that you accomplish? If you’re like a lot of people, you’ll convince yourself that this time you’ll finish everything on your list, only to fail again […]

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Life Changes and Controlling Clutter

My interest in de-cluttering was sparked by a losing battle to stay afloat while going through significant change in my life. I watched my organizational capacity plummet, just when I needed it most. In searching for a way out, I discovered that I wasn’t alone—that transitions can turn into organizational nightmares and, when they do, […]

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How I Organized My Vehicle

I purchased some baskets the other day that I thought would be perfect for my son’s toys in the van. I am so happy with it; it’s much larger than what I was using. Don’t these toys look organized and tidy sitting in their beautiful container like that…..yah right….don’t be fooled….by the time we get […]

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