Category: Clutter Hacks

Everyone Loves Sharpies: Another Sharpie Tip

The Sharpie…don’t you just love ’em? I recently came across a new use for those mini’s that can clip onto keychains and stuff. My family was at Chuck E. Cheese (or Chunky Cheese as my DH calls it) and all the kids had their own drinks as well as those plastic cups to hold the […]

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The Experiment: Clutter Hack for Dishes – Update

Well, I’m glad to tell you that the experiment is a success! Sort of. My hope was that every one would wash their dishes when they were done with them and that I would awaken to a sparkling kitchen every morning. Wishful thinking, I know. Back to reality. Reality is that habits don’t change that […]

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Change of Season Brings Another Closet Clean Out

Now that fall is here, it is time to go through my closet again. In addition to removing the summer clothes, I have the chore of getting rid of clothes that are too big. Since the beginning of the year I have miraculously been able to stick to eating well and have lost 20 pounds. […]

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