Book Review: Organize Now!
November 29, 2010
Recently Jennifer Ford Berry asked me to review her newly revised book – Organize Now! A week-by-week guide to simplify your space and your life.
I gladly jumped on it – I love organizing books!
I have to say, first off, that I love the book itself. It’s a hard bound spiral notebook that looks like a leather bound daily planner. The pages are thick to withstand frequent use and make quick referencing easy. The pages of each section are accented with fun colors and coordinating prints and sprinkled with some great quotes. It’s just an all-around fun book to look at and use!
The book begins with a short introduction and tips on its use. It’s followed by a section called “The Basics of Organization”:
“If you are tired of allowing the clutter to control your life, make a choice to L.I.V.E.
L=List. If you don’t write it down, chances are you will forget it.
I=Internal Organization. Organization starts on the inside first.
V=Vision. Be very clear about the vision you have for your life, and then keep that in the forefront of your mind throughout everything you do.
E=External Organization. When you have yourself organized internally and know where you are going and why, then you can begin the task of organizing your external environment.”
Then Jennifer takes a look into the psychology of clutter; how it affects our lives, ways of learning to “let go” of things, and the benefits of living clutter-free.
The book is then broken down into 56 weeks of organizing everything from your mind to your medicine cabinet. Each week is clearly laid out with simple steps to take you to your goals. She even includes check lists for monthly, 3-6 month, and yearly things to review to help you STAY organized! It’s truly a whole-life approach to organization, with the key to success being constant reflection, reviewing and realigning of your actions to your goals and vision in life.
I’m completely motivated to start from the inside out and rework my goals and my steps to achieving them! Thanks Jennifer!![LG]Here’s an awesome planner to get you started![/LG]
You can find Jennifer Ford Berry’s book “Organize Now! A week-by-week guide to simplify your space and your life” on Amazon.