A Warm Welcome to Jennifer Koretsky!

Jennifer Koretsky is a Senior Certified AD/HD Coach and specializes in working with overachieving adults with AD/HD who are chronically overwhelmed.

She is the founder of ADDmanagement.com, has authored the book “Odd One Out: The Maverick’s Guide to Adult ADD”, and runs the experiencingaddvantages blog.

Jennifer will be contributing her wisdom and unique outlooks on organizing to Clutter Control Freak.

Welcome Jennifer!

2 thoughts on “A Warm Welcome to Jennifer Koretsky!

  1. Beth/Mom2TwoVikings

    OH! MY! GOODNESS! “(She) specializes in working with overachieving adults with AD/HD who are chronically overwhelmed.” This woman was DESIGNED to be a coach for me! LOL That’s my life story! LOL

    Beth/Mom2TwoVikings’s last blog post..Three points

  2. Eva Wallace

    That’s why we are so excited to have her contributing to our blog! It’s a new twist on organizing that we haven’t even touched here yet, and I think it applies to a LOT of us!