What IS a Disorganized Person to Do?
April 14, 2010
I’ve been thumbing through a book called “What’s a Disorganized Person to Do?” (317 ideas, tips, projects, and lists to unclutter your home and streamline your life) by Stacey Platt. What a great book!
Its a handy-sized, go-to manual for organizing anything. It starts off with some basic principles and ideas about organizing, and then sets off room by room though the house, giving helpful tips, tricks and simple projects to organize everything! You can easily flip to the color coded section corresponding to the area of your home (or life) you’re working on and find just what you need. It even comes with two pages of project stickers in the back to help you organize what you’re working on!
Stacey’s entire premise for this book is based on “lessons from the silverware drawer”;
“If I came to your house and asked you to show me your birth certificate, would you know where to find it? What about a safety pin? Your checkbook? The receipt from your computer? And extension cord? Your 2006 tax returns? Regardless of how many or how few of these you could produce without too much digging, I bet that if I were to ask you for a fork, you would know exactly where to go to get one. Why? Because the system for organizing your flatware demonstrates four organizing principles:
1. Forks are kept with forks.
2. They have a single and consistent home.
3. Everyone in the household is in agreement about it.
4. Forks are put back there after being used (and washed!).
These principals can – and should – be applied to organizing anything in your home. Keep like things together. Give everything a home. Get the whole household on board. Put things back when you are done. It’s really that simple.”
For anyone who is overwhelmed at the thought of organizing and doesn’t know where to start, this book’s for you! You can purchase “What’s a Disorganized Person to Do?” here on Amazon.