Category: Cleaning Tips
Spring Cleaning Time!
April 3, 2013
It’s April and baseball is back, which means…SPRING IS HERE! While we are all thrilled that the temperatures are rising, this is also a good time go through closets, your garage or basement and get rid of all of the things you don’t use and rid yourself of unnecessary clutter. To help you in your Spring Cleaning […]
Spring Cleaning & Organizing
April 6, 2011
The flowers are blooming; the birds are chirping…ok, maybe not quite yet. But look on the bright side; the temperatures are slowly rising and spring is on its way. Spring cleaning is a tradition in colder climates where we freshen up our homes and offices from top to bottom after the long winter. Many people […]
Stain Removal Guide
September 7, 2010
Mystery stains? Stains that appeared out of nowhere? Accident stains at a place with no cleaning solutions? If you haven’t lifted those disastrous stains before they set in, here are some stain remedies that get the stains out. BLOOD Soak in cold salt water. CHOCOLATE Wet the stain and sprinkle with dry borax. Scrub gently […]