Author: Blog Crew @ OrganizeIt

Take a seat: Shoe storage bench does double duty

Shoe storage is a never ending issue in my home as my shoe collection continues to grow to unnecessary numbers. I have an over the door rack in the spare bedroom, shelves in the top of my closet, a rack in the bottom of the front closet… but I need MORE! In my effort to […]

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Unique cookie storage to share your home baked goodies

Christmas cookies are a huge tradition for my family. My mom has always baked up a huge stash of ’em, all different kinds. And as I get older, I still enjoy making them. It’s not the holidays unless I have a couple batches of festive cookies to share with family, friends and co-workers. But I […]

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Jewelry Cleaner – Tarnish Remover

Putting a nice ring, bracelet or maybe a necklace under the tree for the Mrs this Christmas? Or maybe you have a decent jewelry collection of your own? We all make sure our favorite pieces are stored properly, but how often do you clean them? If  you’re searching for a gift for the always-accessorized person […]

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