Author: Blog Crew @ OrganizeIt

How to Repair Holes in Drywall

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Interview with an Organizer – Jonda Beattie

Organize-It is pleased to welcome Jonda Beattie as our second guest in the Interview with an Organizer blog feature. Jonda is a former teacher with a master’s degree in special education and the owner of Time Space Organization, a consultancy in metro Atlanta. She has have been featured in a Women’s World kitchen organizing article, […]

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Interview with an Organizer – Organizing Maven

Organize-It Presents: Interview with an Organizer – the Organizing Maven Kelly Jane McCann is the Organizing Maven, a professional organizer and clutter coach with a unique approach to helping others. The Organizing Maven has a strong, distinct online presence and offers a wealth of free and paid resources to help people find structure and happiness […]

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