Author: Blog Crew @ OrganizeIt
Small clutter hacks lead to big organizing results
August 3, 2007
Looking to get organized? Start with a small task and work up. Small tasks will allow you to feel a sense of achievement sooner which will motivate you to keep going. The secret to organizing success is feeling and experiencing the organizing euphoria that you get when you accomplish an area that has been cluttering […]
Start ‘em Off Right; Five Tips for Handling Homework
August 2, 2007
The battle over homework was probably the thing I dreaded most about “Back-to-School”. Organizing a homework routine helps a lot. Here are five tips I found extremely helpful when my kids were little: Have a regular homework time everyday. Usually the earlier, the better; before they’re too tired. We had a 30-minute snack and rest […]
Getting Organized Is More Than Adding or Subtracting
August 2, 2007
The other day, as I was driving across town I saw this sign. I just had to stop and take a picture of it because it reminded me of the misguided notion that a lot of people hold about organizing, apparently U-Haul included. Newsflash: Storing stuff is NOT organizing. Containerizing is NOT organizing. And for […]